
Pioneer Winamp Skin
Pioneer Winamp Skin

I then began making my own, and since I am a true blue Audio/Video/Hi-Fi/Home Theatre/Dolby Digital/THX/blablabla freak, I decided to emulate my Sony portable MiniDisc player and my Pioneer CD deck. I began downloading all the skins I could find, mostly at the now-defunct :( Layer 3's WinAmp Mangled page the largest collection of skins on the net, and eventually I ended up with 100Mb less space on my HD and a ton of knowledge and insight. I was made possible by the creation of "skins"- a group of Bitmap files which define the look of the main face, the buttons, numbers, text, etc, and one text file, viscolor.txt which defines the backgound color of the display. With the development of WinAmp 1.8 came the new and exciting possibilty of changing the look of your WinAmp face.I was hooked immediately.

Pioneer Winamp Skin

Welcome to the Official ReplicAmp homepage, by Wasit? designs.

Pioneer Winamp Skin